

eSignature for Oregon State

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Digital Signatures and Digital Workflows Policy

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sunlight beaming on a stately brick building with autumnal trees

What is DocuSign?

DocuSign is an electronic signature system designed to improve the workflow of signing and approving documents in a way that's simple, secure, and fully digital. Documents signed with DocuSign are legally enforceable, intended to re-envision conventional paper-based processes.

Benefits of using DocuSign

  • Completely electronic and paperless signature service. DocuSign makes signature approval workflows faster and allows the redesign of workflows to streamline business processes.
  • You can send documents in a variety of file formats to multiple people and check on the status of signatures.
  • Integrates with third-party applications like Microsoft Office, Google Apps, Box, and many others.
  • Sign documents on any web browser or use the mobile application for iOS, Android, and Windows Mobile.
sun setting over a grassy quad with a tall stately building


The deployment of any solution that greatly impacts the processes of the University should have an established governance structure for issues that arise during the implementation of the solution. eSignature tools can dramatically impact the mechanisms by which information is collected and/or how necessary documents are signed and processed. To enable the smooth roll-out of the DocuSign eSignature solution, OSU has chosen to establish a governance structure to support both the project goals and to ensure an effective and on-going process for managing the collection of signatures on documents is well conceived and sustainable.

chart that shows the hierarchical structure of governance

Text of Governance Structure Image

  1. Investors Council
  2. Steering Committee
    1. Data Dictionary
    2. Lean Business Process Re-engineering
    3. Operations