Microsoft 365

We no longer recommend Google Workspace (previously G Suite) for general use at OSU. However, we understand some individuals and departments may still use it under some circumstances. Access Google Workspace and related services.

Microsoft 365 Logo: Colorful abstract geometric shape in blues and purples

Microsoft 365 for Oregon State

Microsoft 365 is a cloud-powered productivity platform that includes apps like Microsoft Teams, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneDrive, and so much more. 

Log into Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 Overview

Microsoft 365 offers a range of productivity tools that enable efficient document creation, communication, and collaboration. These include:

  • Word: Create, edit, and format documents for research papers, essays, and presentations.
  • Excel: Analyze and visualize data, create spreadsheets for data management, and perform complex calculations.
  • PowerPoint: Design visually appealing presentations with multimedia elements to engage and communicate ideas effectively.
  • OneNote: Capture and organize notes, create to-do lists, and collaborate on projects in a digital notebook.
  • Outlook: Manage emails, calendars, and contacts efficiently, supporting effective communication among students, faculty, and staff.

Did you know you can visit the Microsoft My Apps portal to see a full list of Microsoft Apps?

Visit Microsoft My Apps

Microsoft 365 Desktop-Based Apps

Microsoft 365 enables you to install Microsoft 365 Apps (including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneDrive, OneNote, Outlook and Teams) on up your personal devices, including mobile devices.


Microsoft 365 Cloud-Based Apps

Microsoft 365 is your powerful cloud-based productivity platform that include apps like Microsoft Teams, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and OneDrive, all available on the web, with nothing to install. 

Office 365 symbol surrounded by a variety of devices demonstrating how it works across many platforms

Accessibility for Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 offers online versions including Word, PowerPoint, Excel and OneNote that are available in a web browser. This makes its accessibility features work a little differently than Office desktop programs. For example, keyboard shortcuts might not be the same and the page layouts are different. However, all the keyboard shortcuts and other accessibility features that you know from the browser work in Office Online. You can also use the browser controls to zoom, to change text size, and to control screen colors.

The online applications provides WAI-ARIA support for assistive technologies (WAI-ARIA stands for Web Accessibility Initiative-Accessible Rich Internet Applications). If you use an assistive technology such as a screen reader or speech recognition software, you will have the best experience in Office Online if the assistive technology that you use supports WAI-ARIA.

Note: VoiceOver users on the Mac OS X platform may experience mixed results in accessibility depending on the web browser being used. The Safari web browser is recommended for Office 365 Online.

Microsoft Accessibility Documentation

Additional Help or Questions about Accessibility

If you have questions about using your assistive technologies, contact Disability Access Services. For general questions about accessibility at OSU, contact the Office of Equity and Inclusion.